It’s not often that I purchase a pair of limited edition sneakers, but I couldn’t resist Nike’s new sakura-themed Air Max 1s featuring real photos of cherry blossoms! In honor of spring in Japan, I thought it would be fun to share some glamor shots of these gorgeous shoes. I hope you enjoy looking at them as much as I did taking them!
Chic Pixel’s Favorite Shiba Inus on Instagram
I finally let the dog out of the proverbial bag this past weekend on social media, but if you missed it: we’re getting a shiba inu puppy! We’ve named her Pai Pai, and she’ll be coming home with us after she turns eight weeks old in a week.
In the many months I’ve been pining away for a puppy of our own, I’ve looked at my fair share of shiba inu photos on Instagram. If you think these dogs are as adorable as I do, then allow me to recommend some of my favorite accounts for getting your daily shiba fix! And don’t worry, once Pai Pai comes home, you will definitely be able to add my account to the list…
Maru (marutaro) – Maru is by far the most famous shiba inu on social media, but it’s not without good reason. His adorable round mug is extremely photogenic, scoring him many impressive photo ops and millions of adoring fans. He also has his own blog, with additional photos that don’t get posted to Instagram. The text is all in Japanese, but it would make a great study tool for those learning Japanese! Or you could always just enjoy the photos, since cuteness transcends all language barriers.
Sakura (oliveeeeeee) – One of my favorite aspects of Sakura the shiba inu’s Instagram is that her owner posts photos from when she was a puppy, despite the fact that she’s all grown up now! While it can be a little confusing for new followers, it’s so fun to see flashbacks to her puppy days mixed in with current photos. The photos of her with her family show what a great bond they have, as well.
Hoku (hellohoku) – In terms of visually impressive photographs, Hoku’s account takes the cake. His family has a penchant for hiking, so if photos of a shiba in gorgeous scenic settings sound up your alley, head over to Hoku’s account this instant! I also love how his owner frames the shots in a variety of ways and utilizes bright, airy colors.
Ume (nao_ume42013) – In contrast to the blues and whites of Hoku’s feed, Ume’s feed generally features a warm, yellow tinge. Perfect for snuggling! If shiba inus are just one of many of your Japan-related interests, you’ll be happy to see images of Japanese food and interiors in addition to Ume’s adorable face. Like Maru, Ume has a blog as well, so check it out!
Ron (ronvenisuke) – Ron is yet another handsome male shiba, but he stands out for the “welcome home” videos his owner posts nearly every day. It’s so funny to see how his mood changes from day to day! I have a similar hallway at the entry to my apartment, so I wonder how Pai Pai will greet me when I come home…
Do you have any favorite animals on Instagram, shiba inu or otherwise? Share them in the comments!
Sunday Spotlight: The Anime Nostalgia Podcast
Would you believe this is the first time I’ve featured a podcast in a Sunday Spotlight? Considering the number I listen to, I’m shocked! It’s high time I change that, and there’s no better show to start with than The Anime Nostalgia Podcast hosted by Dawn, aka Usamimi.
Each episode of The Anime Nostalgia Podcast features Dawn and one or more special guests as they discuss a classic anime in depth, or dig into an anime-related topic from the prospective of nostalgic series. I just so happened to guest on an episode where we shared our favorite anime couples, and while I’m obviously biased, that’s a great place to start! But regardless of your anime inclinations, there’s sure to be an episode of The Anime Nostalgia Podcast that caters to your interests.
While I decided to put the focus on her podcast for this week’s Sunday Spotlight, Dawn is actually an extremely talented crafter, as well! Her Etsy shop, Bunny Cartoon Creations, showcases some of her awesome nerdy embroidery pieces, as well as tons of fun vintage items, so definitely check it out!
Dawn can also be found on Twitter and Instagram. Be sure to follow her for nerdy crafts and all kinds of nostalgic anime musings!
Visiting the Kit Kat Chocolatory in Tokyo
On my last trip to Japan, I pledged that I wouldn’t leave the country before visiting the Kit Kat Chocolatory, a one-of-a-kind store in Tokyo that sells Kit Kat flavors you can’t find anywhere else. Well, a whole year and a half later, I’m happy to say I did visit it, and I even tried some of their special edition flavors!
Kyoukai no Shirayuki Scenario and Supporting Character Bio Translations
I’m finally back with some new translations! Featuring Gatchaman Crowds artist Kinako’s distinctive art and character designs, Kyoukai no Shirayuki is a dark twist on the tale of Snow White, where protagonist Mashiro Akagami finds herself entangled in the fates of eight young men and their twisted mirror world selves.
Today I’m going to be sharing translations of scenarios for three of the romance-able men, Kaine, Nazuki, and Yura, as well as winter outfits for all eight male characters, info on the four supporting characters, and the first installment in the Shuffle Talk dialogue series featuring Kaine and Yori.
For detailed plot information and main character bios, please head over my translations of the announcement trailer and the previous two B’s Log features, as this post will only cover information new to the January 2016 issue of B’s Log.
Sunday Spotlight: Flowermiko Scans
I am always blown alway by people who take the time to meticulously scan, edit, and upload images from their collection to share with the world. I’ve already featured a Pokémon goods scanner and a retro Japanese magazine scanner… But Flowermiko stands out for sharing scans of all of my favorite kinds of Japanese media, from anime such as CardCaptor Sakura of otome game images!

Flowermiko’s scanning blog, The Cherry Blossom’s Image Emporium, is chock full of gorgeous images such a new CardCaptor Sakura lottery prize illustration, a rare Snow Miku clear file, a gorgeous Code: Realize wall scroll, and more! If you’re a fan of any of these things, you absolutely must check out her scans!
Not only that, but Flowermiko has recently published a very helpful guide on how to edit and clean up images in Photoshop. I hope this encourages more collectors to scan and share their own merchandise! I’m definitely eager to try it out with some of my things…
OyatsuBox February 2016 Subscription Review
Ever since I first review the OyatsuBox Japanese snack subscription service back in March 2014, it has remained one of my favorite services on the market. That’s why I’m extra excited to announce that I’m partnering with the folks at OyatsuBox to offer you monthly reviews, starting with the February 2016 premium box!
I was surprised to see that a lot has changed since I first reviewed their service back in 2014. But I don’t want to spoil the surprise, so first, let’s take a peek at what’s inside…