This week’s Spotlight is on AnimArchive, a blog that features scans from anime, manga, and video game magazines that go back as early as the 1970s. It’s a ton of fun to look back at old magazines such as these, but unfortunately they’re pretty hard to obtain, especially for those of us outside of Japan. Luckily, the curator of AnimArchive has taken it upon themselves to share scans from their own personal collection, making their blog a must-read for any anime fan!

While I really enjoy looking at all of the various advertisement scans, one of my favorite items on AnimArchive is a scan from a 1993 issue of Animage that shows the voice actors from Sailor Moon visiting actual locations from the anime. How cool is that?!
If you’re at all interested in retro anime, manga, or video games, you won’t want to miss AnimArchive on Tumblr and Twitter!