Let me tell you, I can’t get enough Show By Rock!!. I wrote about one Show By Rock!! café collaboration earlier this year, but this time around, the adorable app/anime series is teaming up with an entirely different venue: Dohton Bori. The okonomiyaki chain will be offering an exclusive Show By Rock!! menu through November 8th, and they’ve even decked out the members of Plasmagica and Shingancrimsonz in appropriate attire. The menu doesn’t look too shabby, either:
Makura no Danshi Otome Game Coming to Mobile Phones

I’m sorry to say, but this isn’t an announcement about a new kitten book featuring cute anime boys (though that would be amazing). Rather, this season’s crazy otome anime Makura no Danshi will be getting its very own romance simulation game! Aside from the fact that it will be for both iOS and Android and is coming out sometime this winter, there’s not much else in the way of information, so I thought I’d take this opportunity to admire the wide variety of content this series is garnering.
If you’ve been listening to Chic Pixel Plus, you’ll know that Sarah and I have been following Makura no Danshi this season. Given the horrendous production values that result in extended still frames, awful animation, and a strange lack of audio during numerous sequences, I’m honestly surprised they’re actually putting more money into this franchise! In addition to the recently announced mobile game, there are also a number of upcoming drama CDs, as well as a sleeping aid app exclusive to au phones in Japan (pictured above).
I guess this is an indication that Makura no Danshi is more popular than I thought… I hope this means we’ll see even more otome anime and associated media in the mainstream going forward! Also, big thanks to Gredlen for pointing out this news to me – I’m honored to have friends that make sure I stay up to date with pillow boy news.
Happiness Tastes Like Butter Chips
Happiness is a bag of chips, right? Well, apparently Calbee thinks so… Butter potato chips, to be precise. It’s been a long time since I’ve posted an Apricotsushi Samples, but here’s one I filmed back when my hair was nearly at my shoulders and it was cold enough to wear scarves!
I was quite surprised at how sweet these were! There wasn’t really any of the saltiness I expected, but that’s because I was silly and didn’t read that one of the ingredients was honey before chowing down. (Fun fact: I record the audio for the package close up portion in post production, so I clearly didn’t read what was on the bag until much after the fact this time…)
Are butter-flavored potato chips something you’d like to try? How about… mandarin? I’m always looking for weird new food products to try, so if you find anything, send them my way!
Sofubi Invades Brisbane! Soft Vinyl Mayhem Event Recap
This past Friday, Australia saw its first ever sofubi exhibit right in my home of Brisbane! It’s not often that I get to attend a first of anything in Australia, let alone something related to Japanese pop culture, so of course I had to go. The event, titled Soft Vinyl Mayhem, was all about showcasing the bizarre world of sofubi, or soft vinyl toys. Before Friday, my knowledge of sofubi began and ended with Negora, but I’ve studied up and am ready to share what I’ve learned! But first, here’s a peek at what awaited me at the Soft Vinyl Mayhem show:
Sunday Spotlight: Aiccio’s Video Game Cross Stitch
Another Sunday, another Spotlight! This week I’m really excited to share one of my absolute favorite crafters. Cross stitcher aiccio is only on Instagram, as far as I’m aware (update: they are also on Twitter), but their mostly video game-themed projects are some of the best I’ve seen! Video games, particularly ones featuring pixel art, tend to lend themselves really well to cross stitch, but aiccio stands out for highlighting series and characters that you don’t often see get much love.
Check out some of their awesome works:
The above two pieces are Mother-themed book covers aiccio designed for the Hobonichi Techo planner, inspired by official designs. I think I prefer them to the official ones!
Buttons! Check out the rad Splatoon one!
Recognize this? It’s Angelique, which popularized dating sims for girls!
Of course, no video game cross stitch collection would be complete without some Mario. I could seriously link every single one of aiccio’s Instagram posts, they’re all that awesome. But instead, do head over and check out the rest of their work! They only have about 1,500 followers, which is not nearly enough, if you ask me, so give them a follow if you can! If you don’t have an Instagram account, show them some love on Twitter. Now I want to go do some nerdy crafts…
Japan Crate Review
It’s been a while since I’ve done a Japanese snack subscription review! A while back I was contacted by Japan Crate to cover their service, and of course I happily obliged. I was particularly excited for this one because they offer a “mini,” “original,” and “premium” crate, allowing you to choose what box fits your needs and budget. Let’s see what’s inside!
Sunday Spotlight: Cute Travels
Another week, another Sunday Spotlight! Today I’d like to point your browsers to Cute Travels, an adorable blog featuring travel, food, and craft posts. Eimear loves all things cute just like me, and she also happens to visit a ton of themed cafes! I could spend hours looking through her themed restaurant tag alone.

Not only does she visit all kinds of cute places, she also likes to create cute food and crafts at home. Some great examples of this are her Polar Bear’s Cafe marshmallows and scrap paper magnets. A lot of the recipes look a little too complex for my clumsy paws, but this Miffy parfait shouldn’t be too hard to do, don’t you agree?
Another great thing about Cute Travels is that Eimear visits all kinds of places besides Japan (mostly in Asia), so you can catch a glimpse of cute places all over the world that you might not see covered here at Chic Pixel! I highly recommend checking out Eimear’s site and giving her a follow on Instagram.