I don’t always wear gaming-themed clothing, but when I do, I like to do it in style! I kid, but when it comes to gaming threads, there’s a fine line between “wink nod” game references on trendy clothing and obnoxiously obvious tees that proclaim your love for all things nerdy for the world to see.
Catch-Up Corner: A YouTube Giveaway and the 1st Brisbane Monster Mash
It’s already the beginning of the new week, but I so enjoy these Catch-Up Corners that I’d hate to miss one! I had to push it back so I could get my review for A Fujoshi’s Guide to Japanese vol. 2 posted, so please check that out if you’re interested in Japanese language learning materials!
Apricotsushi Reviews: A Fujoshi’s Guide to Japanese vol. 2
One of the unfortunate realities of being a fan of Japanese media and culture is that, while there are a lot of options now available for those that speak English, the vast majority of content and information out there is only available in Japanese. I may be wearing my nerdy heart on my sleeve, but I’ll readily admit that the #1 reason I was driven to start studying Japanese in middle school was so I could watch anime that wasn’t getting released in English fast enough to satisfy my rabid fangirl ways. Of course, there are many, many reasons to take up learning a new language, including Japanese, but it’s always great to have the added motivation of a hobby you’re passionate about to spur on your studies!
A lot of people ask me to recommend resources to help them get started learning the language, but honestly, there are so many options available that it’s hard to even know where to begin! Since I personally learned Japanese through school, I’m most comfortable with suggesting textbooks to help you learn the basics, as I think it’s a great way to get a foundation that you can build on from as you get more comfortable with vocabulary, Japanese sentence structure, and reading/writing.
But I more than anyone know that textbooks can be boring and dry, so imagine my excitement when I heard about A Fujoshi’s Guide to Japanese! Published by Otome’s Way with the help of a Kickstarter for the second volume, the two-volume Japanese language textbook series presents Japanese language learning in a way that is fun and interesting for fans of anime and manga, with gorgeous color illustrations and informative manga and tons of audio supplements by professional voice actors!
If you’re unfamiliar with the term “fujoshi,” it’s generally used to describe women who like boys’ love, or yaoi, manga and related media (of course men can be into BL as well, but they’re usually called “fudanshi”). While the series is clearly made with fujoshi in mind, as it features an all-male cast and drawings by BL artist Ai Yusura, from my experience with the second volume there is nothing overtly “BL” about the content, making it great for anyone, not just fujoshi.
Since I was provided volume 2 for the purpose of this review, I unfortunately can’t comment at length on the content of volume 1 if you’re just starting out and want to begin your Japanese studies from square one with this series. From the preview provided on Otome Way’s website and the brief overview of volume 1 that appears in volume 2, it looks to provide a great foundation for further learning by teaching readers pronunciation, how to read and write hiragana and katakana, and some very basic beginner vocabulary and sentences.
Volume 2 builds on the introduction provided by volume 1 by going deeper into sentence structure and grammar while also starting readers down the long road of learning how to read and write kanji. I imagine the double-whammy of diving into more complex grammar such as adjectives, forming questions, and working with verbs along with the addition of kanji is daunting to start, but unfortunately that’s how Japanese study usually is – it’s best to dive in as early as possible, especially with kanji! Luckily, you’re free to take the contents of the book on as quickly or slowly as you feel comfortable, but without the structure of an actual class it may be easy for individual learners to feel too intimidated to press on, so I might suggest making goals such as focusing on mastering one chapter every two weeks and treating it like your own personal course.
Perhaps my favorite part of the Fujoshi’s Guide series are the manga portions that follow protagonist Alexis and his butler Shou that are used to introduce new concepts at the beginning of each chapter. These can be read while listening to accompanying audio of the voice actor’s performing the scenes, and then an English translation is provided so you don’t have to worry if you didn’t understand everything in the first go. The voice actors are really nice to listen to and actually bring life to their respective characters, unlike some of the horrific audio recordings I remember having to put up with back when I was a student! There are over 90 audio files included with volume 2, meaning nearly everything in the textbook is voiced, which is both extremely helpful for learning and fun to listen to at the same time (a rare combination for Japanese textbooks, I’ve found!).
There is also clearly a lot of care put into the structure of the book and making sure that readers learn more than the usual stuffy standard Japanese taught in most textbooks. Japanese teacher Yumiko Akeba is clearly familiar with the areas where English speakers usually experience trouble when learning Japanese, and I appreciated her direct yet informative explanations. One section that particularly stood out for me was an explanation of the particles “ne” and “yo” and their gender differences in Japanese with a variety of illustrated example dialogues. I also really liked the short explanation about natural speech, with examples of how spoken Japanese can often very from what’s taught in textbooks.
For those worried about implementing what they’ve learned in the book, never fear – each chapter has a review section and ample opportunities to practice. Unfortunately, though new vocabulary is introduced in each chapter, there aren’t quizzes, per say, so you have to keep yourself accountable by making sure you spend time learning the vocabulary. I also noticed that the book continues to teach readers new hiragana up through chapter three and then immediately jumps to introducing kanji in chapter 4, but doesn’t stop using romanji in examples until partway through chapter 10. Of course, I don’t profess to have any great understanding of how to teach people Japanese, but I worry by leaving in the romanji for so long, readers won’t push themselves to master hiragana even after they begin to learn kanji, which could make it difficult to retain much of anything. If I could give any advice to someone using the book, it would be to make sure you are diligent about memorising hiragana and katakana, and that you feel confident in reading it without romanji before starting chapter 4 so you can focus on kanji going forward.
Overall, I am extremely happy with A Fujoshi’s Guide to Japanese volume 2 and would highly recommend the series to anyone interested in learning Japanese! The colored illustrations and audio make this already professional and informative book really shine, and it would be the perfect way to make Japanese learning interesting to those who want to be able to watch anime or read manga in its original Japanese. If you already know some basic Japanese, I don’t see any reason why you couldn’t jump into volume 2, but if you want to see all of Alexis and Shou’s adventures, be sure to purchase volume 1, as well!
A copy of the book was provided by the publisher for the purpose of this review. All opinions, however, my honest impressions!
Manga Gamer acquires OZMAFIA!! and No, Thank You!!!, making it my new favorite company
I don’t always feel the need to do news posts here on Chic Pixel, but with announcements as big and exciting as these, I just couldn’t pass them up! Manga Gamer, the bishojo game publisher, revealed their new game lineup at Anime Expo today, which included not one, but two titles aimed squarely at the otome and fujoshi demographic (aka me), OZMAFIA!! and No, Thank You!!!. I like to imagine those excessive exclamation marks were included in the titles because the developers knew how happy fans would be to have them localized…
The fact that OZMAFIA!! will be coming out in English isn’t exactly new, as the developer, Poni-Patchet, announced as much at the game’s one year anniversary event a week ago, but this is the first world we’ve gotten of who’s actually helping them bring over the PC-only title. According to Manga Gamer’s Anime Expo panel, they will be looking to bring the title to Steam, as well.
OZMAFIA!! is pretty much exactly what you’d imagine it to be from the title: it’s an otome game (romance visual novel for girls) that features a mafia… based on Wizard of Oz characters. While some of the romantic interests are loosely styled around memorable characters such as the Scarecrow and Tin Man, other rival mafias get their inspiration from Grimm fairy tales, among other classics. For those familiar with otome games, the artist behind all of the illustrations is none other than the woman who worked on Diabolik Lovers, one of the most popular otome game series in Japan at the moment.
No, Thank You!!!, on the other, hand, came completely out of left field. Otome games have been typically hard sell for western publishers, but BL games have been even harder (Is that a pun? Don’t ask). Well, Manga Gamer is ready to take on the challenge with what will be the first English release of a BL game since Enzai: Falsely Accused came out way back in 2006! No, Thank You!!! is, in my opinion, extra special as it really starts to blur the lines of bara (a general term referring to pornographic material aimed at gay men) and BL (generally for a female audience). Not only do the men have much more varied character designs than the usual BL fare, but they’re a wide range of ages, and players even have the option to toggle their body hair on and off at any time during the game! Now that’s something!
I’ve previously expressed my disappointment with western publishers passing over games aimed at a female audience in favor of more of the same, so it’s time to make some noise and really celebrate this news! While OZMAFIA!! probably wouldn’t have been a game I’d have specifically sought out myself, No, Thank you!!! has been on my radar since before it was released in Japan (in fact, I’ve written about it twice). If you’re at all interested in more varied games getting localized, please let Manga Gamer know how thrilled you are that they’re releasing these titles, and consider picking them up on release!
Gackt’s Latest Project: A Let’s Play Series with Nestlé?!
I love Gackt. I imagine a lot of people who got into Japanese culture in the late 90s and thought themselves to be somewhat alternative love Gackt. But, you know, my love with the somewhat-infamous singer isn’t the kind of all-encompassing love a lot of young girls express for their male idols, it’s an ironic kind of love. Yes, I love(d?) his music, but after seeing him on Japanese television and watching the film he wrote and starred in with fellow singer Hyde (Moon Child), as well as his international debut in Bunraku (with Josh Hartnett), I can conclude he is completely nuts. And I kind of love him for it.
In fact, the guy who once proclaimed he was an immortal vampire is turning 41 tomorrow, so happy birthday, Gackt! But that’s not what I’m here to celebrate today… Instead, I want to talk about the new Let’s Play series Gackt has launched in collaboration with Nestlé Japan. Every day for a whole year, videos of Gackt playing various retro video games will be posted to Nestlé Japan’s YouTube channel in what might be the strangest collaboration I’ve heard of in quite a while!
Does Gackt even like video games? What does this have to do with Nestlé? Well, they’re giving away some Nescafé coffee machines signed by Gackt, so there’s that… What we do know about this new series is that the episodes will be posted every day at 7 pm Japan time and will last between 5 to 10 minutes. He’ll also be playing between 5 and 10 different titles a month. So far he’s played Mega Man 2 and Super Dodge Ball and… he’s not very good at it. Nor does he look all that amused. Ah, Gackt, you’ve finally started to age… There’s something oddly charming about his nonchalant manner and the fact that he doesn’t ever take his sunglasses off despite all the weird mood lighting going on in the room they have him playing these games in.
Unfortunately the series is currently only available in Japanese, but some zealous fan might subtitle them à la Game Center CX. Still, I think it’s amusing enough to watch even if you don’t know what’s being said. I’m cheering you on, Gackt!
Apricotsushi Reviews: Blippo
There is an amazing abundance of shops online that sell Japanese merchandise, and they’re a great option for those of us who don’t live in Japan but are desperate to get our hands on the latest cute Rilakkuma goods or weird Japanese candy. Unfortunately, there are so many that it’s often difficult to decide where to spend one’s hard-earned cash, and there’s always the question of whether the site in question is reputable or charges outrages prices for shipping, which are often sprung on shoppers after they’ve been lured in by seemingly cheap prices.
Recently, I stumbled upon the self-proclaimed “Japan & Kawaii Shop” Blippo, and they were kind enough to offer me a few products from their shop to review. They have a great selection of Japanese items from character goods such as Hello Kitty and Rilakkuma to Japanese snacks and candy, as well as stationery and all kinds of smartphone straps and accessories, so they really have the potential to be a one-stop shop for all your Japanese merchandise needs!
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Blippo doodled a little giraffe on my box! |
The other major draw of Blippo is the offer free worldwide shipping, so you won’t be hit with a massive shipping fee when checking out! This means that everything will take about 1-3 weeks to arrive according to their site, but they shipped my package from their base in Hong Kong to my home in Australia surprisingly fast, and it arrive in almost exactly two weeks. You can also spend a few extra bucks on shipping upgrades, but I was very happy with how fast mine arrived.
Here’s a quick overview of what I received! I picked out all of the items myself, but the order came with the free plastic Blippo keychain in the middle. I don’t think I’d put it on anything, but it’s cute that they included it, none the less.
Is this not the cutest packaging? I’ll readily admit that the adorable little ghost wearing a witch’s hat is the whole reason why I opted for this Moko Awa DIY shake drink. I haven’t tried it yet, as I think it will make for a great Apricotsushi Samples video, but I can’t wait to give this foaming grape drink a go. Apparently all you need to do is mix the powder with water and stir!
I don’t even care if the shake doesn’t taste good, I’m happy to just be in the presence of these little ghost illustrations. For only about $3 AUD (with free shipping), it’s a steal!
Next are these great Rilakkuma honey stickers, which I had to get since I absolutely love anything Rilakkuma-themed! I really like the honey/bee/pancake motif, though I think I’d much prefer maple syrup to honey on my pancakes…
The stickers are raised hard plastic, which gives them a bit of a 3D effect, and some also feature little jewel embellishments. I’m pretty happy with them, but unfortunately some of them have minor discolorations/color smearing, which is particularly noticeable in the stickers with text and the ones with gold stripes in the bottom row of the above photo. I’m not sure if this is due to the type of sticker or heat exposure, but considering the usually high standard of Japanese merchandise, it’s a shame they weren’t all perfect.
Finally, I picked out these rad little donut earrings, because I’m really into miniature food these days and I love the idea of tasty little (fake) donuts hanging from my ears. They’re nothing super fancy, but they’re sturdy and look just as cute in person as they do on the website.
It’s not a particularly nice photo, but here’s what the look like on! They’re not so large that they draw attention from my beautiful face (ha), but they’re really fun and I can smile to myself knowing I’m wearing donuts on my ears, even if no one else notices.
For a package of three unique items from Japan that totals under $10 including shipping, I’m really happy with it. A lot of the products on Blippo are competitively priced, even factoring the free shipping, and as long as you don’t mind waiting a little longer for your purchase to get to you, most of their products are a great deal. I can definitely see myself buying from Blippo in the future and definitely recommend them to anyone looking for some cute Japanese goods or snacks!
Announcing the JRPG Community Game-Along!
Ah, the summer lull… Last year the summer season proved to be just as busy a time for game releases as the rest of the year, but this July has shaped up to be a relatively empty month release-wise. Of course, that means more time for this month’s Community Game-Along!
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In order to fill up all those summer (or winter, if you live in the Southern hemisphere like me) hours, July’s theme is going to be JRPGs! I’ve gotten a lot of requests for this one, so I hope we get a lot of contributions and keep #JRPGJuly busy all month long.
When I initially set out to do monthly game-alongs, I wanted to use the event to shine the spotlight on some lesser-known or under-appreciated developers and genres. I know many would argue that JRPGs is a massive category that doesn’t really fit that description, but I hope we can use this month to challenge the generally-accepted misconception that JRPGs are on their way out or are somehow worse now than they were 10 years ago. So, while I don’t like to put restrictions on what games you should play, I highly encourage you to seek out some lesser-known titles or recent releases that maybe didn’t get a lot of attention in the West!
Since “JRPG” is such a broad theme and I’m sure all of you can think of some great titles to play without my help, I’m not going to give any examples of games that fit the theme this month. I will, however, point out that SRPGs, ARPGs, and MMOs are also included (provided they are heavily influenced by JRPGs or made by a Japanese developer), as are western-developed RPGs that have a significant JRPG “feel” to them (I’m no expert on Western RPGs, so I’ll leave it up to you to decide if a certain title fits or not).
As always, the only “rules” of the Community Game-Along are that you pick a game that fits the theme, preferably one you haven’t played before, and write about it using #JRPGJuly on your favorite social media platform of choice. I also highly encourage long-form articles and other forms of media – anything where you talk about your experiences counts, and I look forward to all kinds of submissions!
There’s already a surprising amount of chatter in the hashtag on Twitter thanks a big shoutout from the RPG Site (thanks!), so let’s make this one of the best Game-Alongs yet! If you happen to be on NeoGAF, be sure to hit up the official JRPGJuly thread, too.