Japan loves food. Not only does Japan love food, but it also has an unparalleled love for fake food, be it squishy keychains that look like loaves of bread or immaculately-designed plastic sushi featured in restaurant windows to entice in hungry passers-by. There’s something that’s always fascinated me by Japan’s obsession with creating so many different representations of food, but I’ve always been especially fond of the cute fake sweets often used in deco crafts.
Short for “decoration,” deco often refers to “decoden,” an over-the-top cute way of decorating cell phones and other electronics (usually portable game consoles), but from my understanding (which could very well be wrong), deco can really be used to described any sort of cute creation that is used to “decorate,” whether it be a person (i.e nail art) or a piece of electronic equipment, bag, etc.
Anyway, enough musing on terminology! The moral of the story is, I’ve been enamored by cute fake foods for quite some time, and have always wanted to try a deco craft kit and make some myself. Imagine my surprise when I was casually browsing in a toy store and found a Japanese deco craft kit being marketed at young girls!
Whipple is the Japanese brand of silicone craft cream used in many deco creations, so I was beyond thrilled to see it actually being sold in Australia (well, that’s not entirely true… more on that later). It looks just like whipped cream, but beware, it’s not edible! Be sure to swing by the
Japanese Whipple site and check out their commercial and
catalog if you want to be bombarded by cute.
Apparently Whipple has been selling a number of different deco kits internationally for a while now, but I haven’t ever been tuned into the deco “scene” as it were, so that news completely passed me by. After giving the kit go, I honestly have to say that I don’t think a 10-year-old me would have been able to manage it (25-year-old me barely did!).
While there were a number of kits available, I ultimately went with the Crème Filled Creations pack as it had the most variety in terms of sweets, and I liked the look of the macarons especially.

Here’s what the kit itself looks like – the box was rather large for the amount of things packed in! There are instructions for how to apply the cream in different patterns, as well as a practice sheet, which was great for a beginner like myself. In the future, though, I might buy a second bag of the cream, as the bag supplied with the kit is actually quite small. The instructions warn you to only do a couple rounds on the practice sheet so as not to run out, but even after doing only one practice round I found myself wishing I had a little extra cream at the end. Those who are worried that they might not get the hang of the technique right away would definitely want that extra leeway, plus the cream can come out a little runny at first, meaning you may waste some before you can get started (I just used the runny cream for my practice sheet; the consistency was fine by the time I got to application).

At first, the instructions are a little overwhelming, but I was grateful to have them. The cream itself comes in this cute little bag that must be warmed up by lightly squeezing before use. Then, you use a ruler to push the cream down towards the tip of the bag for smooth application.
Here goes nothing! Forgive the poor photo but it was surprisingly difficult to get shots in action. I have a newfound respect for craft bloggers! You can see my gooey practice sheet in the background. The kit recommended having a toothpick on hand, so I grabbed the closest thing available (a skewer). I used it a couple times to help position gems on the cream.
I’d definitely recommend having a couple damp paper towels readily available in case you mess up! Since Whipple is water soluble, it comes off relatively easily if you make a mistake and want to reapply. Oh, and it’s also essentially oderless, which is great if you live in a small apartment like me!
To tell the truth, I didn’t actually know Whipple was a Japanese brand until I saw Japanese writing on the bag itself! Like I said, I’m not very familiar with deco crafts.
After waiting a solid 48 hours for the cream to dry, my creations were finally ready for use! I was a little lazy and mostly got my application inspiration from the front of the box, but all in all I’m very happy with how they turned out. All of the sweets come with eye-pins pre-inserted so they can be used as keychains, which is quite handy but may turn off those who would rather not use them that way. The kit also comes with three ball link chains, leaving you to come up with alternative means to attach the leftover sweets.
While I can’t compare the quality of the actual donut and macron pieces to other plastic pre-made deco parts, I was very satisfied with the overall kit. The parts it includes may not be top-of-the line, but for the price (will vary depending on where you live but generally around $20) I’d definitely recommend a Whipple kit to anyone interested in getting into deco crafts.
If you think you’d like to give Whipple a go, check out
Amazon for the full range of Whipple kits. I must say, I’m a little worried that I’m on the brink of a new obsession…