Break Chance Memento Holiday Giveaway!

Break Chance Memento Chic Pixel Holiday Giveaway

I am super excited to announce that my second giveaway this month is in partnership with indie game developer Cyanide Tea to give one lucky winner a digital copy of their latest game, Break Chance Memento! This thrilling visual novel features time travel, explorations of family bonds, a brutal serial killer, and even the potential for gay romance to blossom. If that sounds intriguing, you can download the demo for PC, Mac, and Linux over at their page, and read on for more information on how to score a copy!

To enter, simply complete one or more actions in the Gleam widget below by December 28th at 11:59 pm Pacific Time. The more actions you complete, the more chances you have to win! One random winner will receive download copies of the game for PC, Mac, and Linux redeemable through Good luck and happy holidays from Chic Pixel!

Break Chance Memento Giveaway

About Anne Lee

Also known as apricotsushi. Anne can be written with the kanji for apricot (杏), and sushi was the most quintessentially Japanese thing I could think of when I was 13, resulting in my goofy, albeit memorable, nickname.